Orthopedic Services

Orthobridge Orthopedic Centre in Nairobi, Kenya provides the latest diagnostics & medical treatments for every orthopedic condition – from minor disorders to complex adult & pediatric conditions.

Comprehensive Care with Top Orthopedic Surgeons in Kenya

Minimally Invasive Surgery (Arthroscopy)

Minimally invasive surgery is also known as arthroscopy. Our orthopedic surgeon, Col (Dr) Adari has specialized experience in performing:

Joint Replacement Surgery (Arthroplasty)

Joint replacement surgery, also known as arthroplasty is the surgical replacement of a joint aimed at the relief of significant, disabling pain.  Our joint replacement specialists in Kenya Col (Dr)  Adari performs:

High-Quality Orthopedic Services in Kenya

At Orthobridge Institute, an orthopaedic center in Nairobi, Kenya, our well-experienced orthopaedic surgeon assesses your condition, customize a treatment plan for individual needs, and offer a comprehensive care for various orthopedic conditions.

We provide quality orthopedic care to patients disabled from the damaged elbow, shoulder, hip, and knee joints. Col (Dr) Adari is also well-experienced and specialized in the following:

Specialized orthopaedic care focused on the individual with Col (Dr) Adari

Whether caused by injury or illness, muscle and joint pain can keep you from living your best life.
Each condition we encounter at Orthobridge Institute is handled with special, careful attention. In other words, we treat your orthopedic problem as a unique situation, because it is.
That way we can give you the most fitting care for your particular needs – care that’s founded on experience and sound medical principles.


We use conservative methods whenever possible to help you heal quickly and safely.
When non-surgical care isn’t the best answer to your symptoms, our orthopedic doctor will work with you to find successful solutions to restore your quality of life.
If you suffer from chronic joint pain or sustained a traumatic injury, it’s time to seek a qualified orthopedic doctor for help.


Contact Us

0701 794 697
0733 720 198

Our Areas of Expertise

Sports Medicine

Health care for your sport-related injury.

Fracture Care

With quality fracture care, no fracture is too complex.

Pain Management

Hope for patients suffering from joint pain.

Degenerative Joint Diseases

Full range of treatment options to alleviate your pain quickly.

Children Congenital Diseases

Care for children born with bones & joints illness.

Our Affiliations

Contact Us

3rd floor Nelson Awori centre , Nairobi Kenya

0701-794-697 / 0733 720 198
