Hear From Our Orthopaedic Surgeon
Regain Strength for Performance with Runner’s Knee Treatment
Patellofemoral pain syndrome, known as runner’s knee, is the damage at the meeting point...
Holiday Foods for Joint Health
Holiday celebrations include friends, family, and food. As you enjoy the festivities of...
Knee Replacement with Remote Patient Monitoring
98% satisfaction. That’s an incredible satisfaction rating in any area of service. ...
Why Does My Knee Click?
If you have ever heard your knees making noise when you step up, bend down, or stand up,...
What is primary care?
Have you ever wondered, “what is a PCP?” and why your insurance or employer wants you to...
Why Your Physicians Wants to See You More Than Once a Year
Have you had your annual physical this year? For seniors, it’s extremely important for...
What is a physical?
The end of the year is quickly approaching which means it’s time to get around to all of...
Who Can Benefit From Physical Therapy?
In a nutshell – anyone can benefit from physical therapy. Physical therapists are...
Healing From an Elbow Fracture: What to Expect
The elbow is at the center of it all when it comes to moving your arm. Your elbow joint...
What Happens During Sports Physical Therapy?
Playing sports is great for your mind and body, and more people are playing sports than...
When Does a Meniscus Tear Require Knee Surgery?
When you think of your knee, what do you think of? Probably your kneecap, arguably the...
Tips for Preventing and Treating Shoulder Bursitis
About two-thirds of Kenyans will suffer from shoulder pain at some point during their...
Cartilage Transplants – Restoration for an Injured Knee
Cartilage injuries can happen in a variety of different ways, but commonly it is the...
5 Ways To Care For Your Joints
You’re lounging in your favourite chair reading the paper and the dog barks outside....
Pain Management During Uncertain Times
Living in uncertain times presents new challenges for everyone as we learn to adapt our...