Benefits of platelet-rich plasma (PRP) in healing orthopedic injuries
Orthopedic injuries involved invasive procedures, complicated surgeries with lengthy hospital stays, and a long road to recovery.
Today, technology and medical science make it possible to undergo a variety of orthopedic procedures using minimally invasive techniques, so you can get back to your active lifestyle more quickly than ever.
Platelet-rich plasma treatments offer a revolutionary, minimally invasive way to heal injuries without surgery or prescription drugs.
PRP therapy uses your own blood to heal joint injuries, such as osteoarthritis of the knee, tennis elbow, or Achilles tendonitis, and patellar tendinitis.
PRP Treatment at Orthobridge Orthopedic Centre in Kenya
We may combine PRP with other interventions, including anti-inflammatory medications, physical therapy, and hot/cold treatments. But we may also offer PRP as a sole solution for specific joint pain.

Benefits of PRP in healing orthopedic injuries
1. PRP jumpstarts your body’s healing abilities after a bone injury
It is an ideal method of boosting your body’s own healing capabilities after an injury. When you cut your finger or scrape your leg enough to draw blood, your body’s innate healing proteins found in the platelets in your blood — rush to the cut or scrape to initiate the healing of your wound.

These proteins generate new, healthier skin tissue at the site of the injury and over time, repair your cut by closing the wound with new skin.
PRP simply takes this natural process one step further by sending a high concentration of protein-rich blood plasma from your own blood to regenerate new tissue in your muscles, ligaments, tendons, or even bones, so you can heal from an orthopedic injury faster and more naturally.
2. PRP promotes a speedy healing process
Since PRP injections send a high concentration of proteins directly to the injured area, these growth factors kickstart your body’s natural healing process.
The proteins boost focuses on healing where you need it most, so you can potentially recover faster than if you simply waited for your body to take action.

3. Natural healing comes from your own blood with less risk
Aside from minor irritation or pain at the site of the PRP injection, platelet-rich plasma therapy is one of the safest ways to heal your body after an orthopedic injury.
4. PRP can help you avoid surgery
Depending on the severity of your injury, PRP injections may help you avoid surgery altogether.
Many athletes turn to PRP therapy to avoid surgery to heal common sports injuries related to shoulders, knees, elbows, and Achilles tendons.
But, if you do need surgery, PRP can still be part of the process that helps you heal from surgery as well.

5. With PRP, no surgery is involved
Since PRP comes from your own blood, the entire procedure is relatively simple. First, your provider draws blood from your arm, just like a regular blood draw.
Next, your blood goes into a centrifuge to separate out the red and white cells and platelets.
The platelets contain the highest concentration of growth factors, so that’s the solution your doctor injects into the injured area of your body.
That’s all there is to it; no surgery or invasive procedures.
The growth factors stimulate the injured area to begin healing itself. Your body grows new, healthier tissue to repair the injury or revive an area of chronic pain.
Are you a good candidate for PRP to help you heal from an orthopedic injury?
If conventional injury treatments such as steroid injections and painkillers aren’t successful in helping your pain and dysfunction, PRP may be your next step. PRP can be effective enough to delay surgery or eliminate the need for it altogether.
The exact number of PRP treatments you need depends on the area treated and the extent of your injury.

Our team at Orthobridge Orthopedic Centre in Kenya can help you understand what to expect with treatment and adjust as your body heals.
PRP treatment is appropriate if you want to restore everyday function and also if you are an active person looking to get back to your favorite sport.
Contact us or schedule a consultation online to learn more.