Holiday Foods for Joint Health

Holiday Foods for Joint Health

Holiday celebrations include friends, family, and food. As you enjoy the festivities of the season, don’t let a flare up of joint pain dampen your spirits. Here are some holiday foods to enjoy that are good for your joints. Cheese Boards: A tray filled with cheeses...
Why Does My Knee Click?

Why Does My Knee Click?

If you have ever heard your knees making noise when you step up, bend down, or stand up, it can be a little unnerving. What is causing it? Is there a problem with your knees? Many of our joints can make noises at times and knees are no different. So why do knees click...
What is primary care?

What is primary care?

Have you ever wondered, “what is a PCP?” and why your insurance or employer wants you to have a PCP? Or what you can see your physician for? Well you’re in the right place! Here’s everything you need to know about primary care and what it does for you. What is primary...